Monday, May 14, 2012

Geometrical Contemplations

Five Fourteen Twelve Flower, ink with pastel wash, copr 2012



RH Carpenter said...

Beautiful piece, Bill. Is this recent or one from the drawer? A nice follow-up from yesterday's post about sacred geometry. Looks like you've got it!

William Cook said...

Hi Rhonda--Thank you so much for commenting, and I'm really happy that you liked this piece. I didn't realize that I posted two of these in the same day. I've discovered these Om chants on YouTube, and they are so refreshing to me that I found myself doing this piece yesterday afternoon. Brand new. The actual look of it dates way back to a series of pieces I sort of dedicated to YHWH (Yahweh), 1979. I've been thinking a lot recently of revisiting this look, and the 'sacred Geometry' stuff may be giving me the excuse to do get going on some new works. I really like the idea of ink just flying out of the pen faster than the thought process. Best.

Franco said...

The colors and "scribbles",perfect

William Cook said...

Thanks Francoglad you liked it.


this one is beautiful bill .. flower of life video is fascinating ..thankyou for the link

William Cook said...

Hi Jane--Its so great that you checked in, thanks. I rather like that whole series of videos. He gets into some really cool territory--and he looks so young. How could anyone that young have such a grip on this stuff? All the best.